Barcelona GSE Summer Forum: Workshop on ‘Monetary Policy and Central Banking’

June 14-15, 2018

Organized by Davide Debortoli (UPF, CREI and Barcelona GSE), Luca Fornaro (CREI, UPF and Barcelona GSE), Jordi Galí (CREI, UPF and Barcelona GSE), Michael McMahon (University of Oxford), Francisco Ruge-Murcia (McGill University)

The purpose of the workshop is to discuss a selected number of research papers focusing on the study of monetary policy and other central bank policies. Suitable topics include (but are not restricted to):
• The role played by agents’ heterogeneity and financial frictions
• The challenges imposed by a zero lower bound on interest rates
• International dimensions of central bank policies
• The role of central bank communication
• The design of monetary policies
• Central banks’ decision-making

Further information:


List of participants

Call for papers