Euroconference on Innovation, Economic Growth, and European Regional Cohesion

June 5-6, 2000

Conference organized by Xavier Sala-i-Martin (Columbia and UPF), and co-sponsored by the European Commission (DG Research), under the program: "Improving Human Research Potential and the Socio-Economic Knowledge Base". Additional financial support was obtained from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Cultura and from the Generalitat de Catalunya.

The conference brought together leading experts in the field of economic growth, who presented their current research. The topics covered included proposals to encourage research on poor-country medical problems, a comparison of early waves of innovation at the beginning of the century with the current IT revolution, a comparison of India's economic performance relative to that of East-Asian miracle countries, and evaluation of the role of shifts of labor resources away from agriculture into industry as a factor in post-war European growth rates, as well as a discussion of new empirical approaches to identification of the key determinants of long-run growth.


Call for papers

Working papers available